The distance between Lisbon and other European capitals.

Would you like to travel between Lisbon and other major cities in Europe? How far is it? Here you will find the distance between Lisbon and several European capitals and big cities.

  • Madrid: Lisbon is around 630 kilometers (391 miles) from Madrid, and it would take around 6 hours to drive there. Madrid is Spain’s capital and largest city, famous for its art museums, parks, and nightlife.
  • Paris: Lisbon is around 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles) from Paris, and it would take around 17-18 hours to drive there. Paris is the capital of France and one of the most iconic cities in the world, known for its museums, landmarks, and culture.
  • Rome: Lisbon is around 2,400 kilometers (1,491 miles) from Rome, and driving there would take around 23-24 hours. Rome is the capital of Italy and a city rich in history, famous for its ancient ruins, art, and architecture.
  • Berlin: Lisbon is around 2,800 kilometers from Berlin, and driving there would take around 29 hours. Berlin is the capital of Germany and a vibrant city known for its art, history, and culture.
  • London: Lisbon is around 2,200 kilometers from London, and it would take around 23 hours to drive there. London is the capital of the United Kingdom and one of the most iconic cities in the world, famous for its landmarks, museums, and culture.
  • Athens: Lisbon is around 3,200 kilometers (1,988 miles) from Athens, and it would take around 31-32 hours to drive there. Athens is the capital of Greece and one of the oldest cities in the world, known for its ancient ruins, art, and culture.
  • Barcelona: Lisbon is around 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) from Barcelona, and it would take around 11-12 hours to drive there. Barcelona is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage, famous for its unique architecture, delicious food, and beautiful beaches.
  • Amsterdam: Lisbon is around 2,900 kilometers (1,802 miles) from Amsterdam, and it would take around 27-28 hours to drive there. Amsterdam is a beautiful city famous for its canals, museums, art galleries, and liberal attitudes towards drug use and sex work.
  • Budapest: Lisbon is around 3,100 kilometers (1,802 miles) from Budapest, and it would take around 31 hours to drive there. Budapest is a beautiful city on the banks of the Danube river, known for its thermal baths, stunning architecture, and vibrant nightlife.
  • Vienna: Lisbon is around 2,800 kilometers from Vienna, and driving there would take around 29 hours. Vienna is a beautiful city known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture, and famous landmarks such as the Hofburg Palace, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, and the Schonbrunn Palace.

These distances and travel times are estimates and may vary depending on the route taken, traffic conditions, and other factors. It’s also important to note that driving long distances can be tiring, so it’s advisable to take breaks and plan for overnight stops if necessary. Additionally, checking the latest travel restrictions and regulations is recommended before traveling.